Chapter 71 Paths

This overview is not available for this release.

When it is complete, the overview will discuss the following functions:

Function Description

AbortPath Aborts and discards any paths in a DC
BeginPath Starts a path bracket
CloseFigure Closes a figure in a path
EndPath Ends a path bracket
ExtCreatePen Creates a logical pen
FillPath Fills the current path
FlattenPath Transforms curves to lines
GetMiterLimit Returns current miter-join length
GetPath Returns all lines and curves in path
PathToRegion Creates a region from a path
SelectClipPath Selects current path as clip region
SetMiterLimit Sets miter-join length
StrokeAndFillPath Closes, strokes and fills a path
StrokePath Renders a path with the current pen
WidenPath Sets the current path to pen width