Chapter 39 Hooks

This overview is not available for this release.

When it is complete, the overview will discuss the following functions:

Function Description

CallMsgFilter Passes a message to a message-filter function
CallNextHookEx Calls the next hook in a chain
JournalPlaybackProc Places recorded events into the system queue
JournalRecordProc Records event messages
KeyboardProc Filters keyboard messages
MouseProc Filters mouse messages
MessageProc Filters dialog, message box, or menu messages
SetWindowsHook Installs a hook function
SetWindowsHookEx Installs a hook function
SysMsgProc Filters dialog, message box, or menu messages
UnhookWindowsHook Removes a filter function
UnhookWindowsHookEx Removes a function from the hook chain
DefHookProc Obsolete