80.2.6 Handling Errors With Audio Functions

Low-level audio functions return a non-zero error code. The multimedia exten- sions provide a set of functions that convert these error codes into a textual description of the error. The application must still look at the error value itself to determine how to proceed, but textual descriptions of errors can be used in dialog boxes describing errors to users.

The following functions can be used to get textual descriptions of low-level audio errors:

Function Description

midiInGetErrorText Retrieves a textual description of a specified MIDI input error.
midiOutGetErrorText Retrieves a textual description of a specified MIDI output error.
waveInGetErrorText Retrieves a textual description of a specified waveform input error.
waveOutGetErrorText Retrieves a textual description of a specified waveform output error.

The only low-level audio functions that don't return error codes are the . . . GetNumDevs functions. These functions return a value of 0 if no devices are present in a system, or if any errors are encountered by the function.