Chapter 13 String Manipulation

This overview is not available for this release.

When it is complete, the overview will discuss the following functions:

Function Description

CharLower Converts a character or string to lower case
CharLowerBuff Converts a character string to lower case
CharNext Moves to the next character in a string
CharPrev Moves to the previous character in a string
CharToOem Translates a string to OEM characters
CharToOemBuff Translates a string to OEM characters
CharUpper Converts a character or string to upper case
CharUpperBuff Converts a string to upper case
FormatMessage Formats a message string
IsCharAlpha Determines if a character is alphabetical
IsCharAlphaNumeric Determines is a character is alphanumeric
IsCharLower Determines if a character is lower case
IsCharUpper Determines if a character is upper case
LoadString Loads a string resource
lstrcat Appends one string to another
lstrcmp Compares two character strings
lstrcmpi Compares two character strings
lstrcpy Copies a string to a buffer
lstrlen Returns the number of characters in a string
OemToChar Translates an OEM string
OemToCharBuff Translates an OEM string
ToAscii Translates virtual-key code to Windows character
ToUnicode Translates virtual-key code to Unicode character
wsprintf Formats a string
wvsprintf Formats a string
AnsiLower Obsolete
AnsiLowerBuff Obsolete
AnsiNext Obsolete
AnsiPrev Obsolete
AnsiToOem Obsolete
AnsiToOemBuff Obsolete
AnsiUpper Obsolete
AnsiUpperBuff Obsolete
OemToAnsi Obsolete
OemToAnsiBuff Obsolete