
  BOOL PulseEvent(hEvent)    
  HANDLE hEvent; /* identifies the event to pulse */

The PulseEvent function atomically sets the specified event to the signaled state and resets it to the not-signaled state.



Specifies an open event object handle. The handle must have EVENT_MODIFY_STATE access to the event.

Return Value

The return value is TRUE if the function was successful, or FALSE if an error occurred. Use the GetLastError function to obtain extended error information.


If no threads are waiting on the specified event, the PulseEvent function sets the specified event to the not-signaled state.

If the event was created with the fManualReset parameter set to TRUE, the PulseEvent function releases all threads waiting on the event and sets the event to the not-signaled state.

If the event was created with the fManualReset parameter set to FALSE, the PulseEvent function releases a single thread waiting on the event and sets the event to the not-signaled state.

See Also

CreateEvent, ResetEvent, SetEvent