
StringTable {

char szKey[];

BYTE Padding[];

String Children[];


The StringTable structure depicts the organization of data in a file version resource. This structure is not a true C data structure because it contains variable length fields. This structure was created solely to depict the organization of data in a version resource; it does not appear in any of the include files shipped with the Win32 Software Development Kit (SDK).

The StringTable block contains language and codepage formatting information for the strings specified by the Children field. A codepage is an ordered character set.



Specifies an 8-digit hexadecimal number. The four most significant digits represent the language ID, and the four least significant digits represent the codepage for which the data is formatted.

Each Microsoft Standard Language ID contains two parts: the low ten bits specify the major language and the high six bits specify the sub-language. The following language IDs are valid:

Value Meaning

0x0401 Arabic
0x0402 Bulgarian
0x0403 Catalan
0x0404 Traditional Chinese
0x0804 Simplified Chinese
0x0405 Czech
0x0406 Danish
0x0407 German
0x0807 Swiss German
0x0408 Greek
0x0409 U.S. English
0x0809 U.K. English
0x040a Castilian Spanish
0x080a Mexican Spanish
0x040b Finnish
0x040c French
0x080c Belgian French
0x0c0c Canadian French
0x100c Swiss French
0x040d Hebrew
0x040e Hungarian
0x040f Icelandic
0x0410 Italian
0x0810 Swiss Italian
0x0411 Japanese
0x0412 Korean
0x0413 Dutch
0x0813 Belgian Dutch
0x0414 Norwegian – Bokmal
0x0814 Norwegian – Nynorsk
0x0415 Polish
0x0416 Brazilian Portuguese
0x0816 Portuguese
0x0417 Rhaeto-Romanic
0x0418 Romanian
0x0419 Russian
0x041a Croato-Serbian (latin)
0x081a Serbo-Croatian (cyrillic)
0x041b Slovak
0x041c Albanian
0x041d Swedish
0x041e Thai
0x041f Turkish
0x0420 Urdu
0x0421 Bahasa

The codepage value may be one of the following or any IBM-registered codepage:

Value Meaning

0 7-bit ASCII
932 Windows, Japan (Shift – JIS X-0208)
949 Windows, Korea (Shift – KSC 5601)
950 Windows, Taiwan (GB5)
1200 Unicode
1250 Windows, Latin-2 (Eastern European)
1251 Windows, Cyrillic
1252 Windows, Multilingual (ANSI)
1253 Windows, Greek
1254 Windows, Turkish
1255 Windows, Hebrew
1256 Windows, Arabic

Files designed for the English version of Windows would normally be marked with a codepage value of 1252.


Contains as many zero bytes as necessary to align the Children field on a 32-bit boundary.


Specifies a list of zero or more String blocks.


The Children field of the StringFileInfo block will contain at least one StringTable block with a szKey value of “04090000”. This value indicates that the language is US English and the codepage is generic 7-bit ASCII.

See Also

VS_VERSION_INFO, StringFileInfo, String