typedef struct _DRIVER_INFO_2 {

DWORD cVersion;

LPTSTR pName; // QMS 810

LPTSTR pEnvironment; // W32x86

LPTSTR pDriverPath; // c:\drivers\pscript.dll

LPTSTR pDataFile; // c:\drivers\QMS810.PPD

LPTSTR pConfigFile; // c:\drivers\PSCRPTUI.DLL


This structure is used when adding a Printer Driver with the AddPrintDriver function, or the GetPrinterDriver function.



Specifies the Version of the Printer Driver (for example, 0x32).


Specifies a unique name describing the Driver.


Specifies the Environment that this Driver will run in (W32X86 or W32MIPS).


When adding a Printer Driver, this value specifies the filename of the driver to install. The driver must physically have already been copied to the correct directory returned by GetPrnterDriverDirectory.

When used with GetPrinterDriver, it specifies the fully qualified path name of the Printer Driver. This path can then be passed to LoadLibrary.


When adding a Printer Driver, this value specifies the datafile of the driver to install. The datafile must physically have already been copied to the correct directory returned by GetPrnterDriverDirectory.

When used with GetPrinterDriver, it specifies the fully qualified path name of the Datafile.


When adding a Printer Driver, this value specifies the filename of the configuration DLL to install. The DLL must physically have already been copied to the correct directory returned by GetPrnterDriverDirectory.

When used with GetPrinterDriver, it specifies the fully qualified path name of the Configuration DLL. This path can then be passed to LoadLibrary.