
  BOOL HideCaret(hwnd)    
  HWND hwnd; /* handle of window with caret */

This function hides the caret by removing it from the screen. Although the caret is no longer visible, it can be displayed again by using the ShowCaret function. Hiding the caret does not destroy its current shape.



Identifies the window that owns the caret. This parameter can be set to NULL to indirectly specify the window in the current task that owns the caret.

Return Value

Returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.


The HideCaret function hides the caret only if the given window owns the caret. If the hwnd parameter is NULL, the function hides the caret only if a window in the current task owns the caret.

Hiding is cumulative. If HideCaret has been called five times in a row, ShowCaret must be called five times before the caret will be shown.

See Also

ShowCaret, CreateCaret, DestroyCaret, SetCaretPos, GetCaretPos