
  MMRESULT waveInGetDevCaps(uDeviceID, lpCaps, wSize)    
  UINT uDeviceID;    
  LPWAVEINCAPS lpCaps;    
  UINT wSize;    

The waveInGetDevCaps function queries a specified waveform input device to determine its capabilities.



Identifies the waveform input device.


Specifies a far pointer to a WAVEINCAPS structure. This structure is filled with information about the capabilities of the device.


Specifies the size of the WAVEINCAPS structure.

Return Value

Returns zero if the function was successful. Otherwise, it returns an error number. Possible error returns are:

Value Meaning

MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID Specified device ID is out of range.
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER The driver was not installed.


Use waveInGetNumDevs to determine the number of waveform input devices present in the system. The device ID specified by uDeviceID varies from zero to one less than the number of devices present. The WAVE_MAPPER constant may also be used as a device id. Only wSize bytes (or less) of information is copied to the location pointed to by lpCaps. If wSize is zero, nothing is copied, and the function returns zero.

See Also
