
  HACCEL CreateAcceleratorTable(lpaccl, cEntries)    
  LPACCEL lpaccl; /* address of structure array with accelerator data */
  int cEntries; /* number of structures in the array */

The CreateAcceleratorTable function creates an accelerator table.



Points to an array of ACCEL structures that describes the accelerator table. The ACCEL structure has the following form:

typedef struct tagACCEL { /* accl */

BYTE fVirt;

WORD key;

WORD cmd;



Specifies the number of ACCEL structures in the array.

Return Value

The return value is the handle of the created accelerator table if the function is successful. Otherwise, the return value is NULL.


Before an application terminates, it must use the DestroyAcceleratorTable function to destroy each accelerator table that it created by using the CreateAcceleratorTable function.

See Also

CopyAcceleratorTable, DestroyAcceleratorTable, LoadAccelerators, TranslateAccelerator