IADsMembers Property Methods

The methods of the IADsMembers interface read and write the properties described in this topic. For more information see Interface Property Methods.

Properties in Vtable Order

Property Access Method Prototype
Count R/O HRESULT get_Count
([out] LONG *plCountr);
_NewEnum R/O HRESULT get__NewEnum
([out] IUnknown *ppEnumerator);
Filter R/W HRESULT get_Filter
([out] VARIANT *pvFilter);

HRESULT put_Filter
([in] VARIANT vFilter);

Property Descriptions

Gets the number of items in the container. If the filter is set then count returns only the number of items that fit the filter description.
Returns an enumerator dependent object that implements IEnumVARIANT.
Gets and sets the filter. The syntax of the entries in the Filter array is the same as the Filter used on the IADsContainer interface.

See Also

ADSI Collection Object, ADSI Group Object, ADSI Enumerator Object, ADSI Members Object