IADsUser Property Methods

Property methods take the form of either get_<property> or put_<property>. The property methods of the IADsUser interface get or set the properties described below. For more information, see Interface Property Methods.

Properties in Vtable Order

Property Access Method Prototype
AccountDisabled R/W HRESULT get_AccountDisabled
([out] BOOLEAN *pbAccountDisabled);

HRESULT put_AccountDisabled
([in] BOOLEAN bAccountDisabled);

AccountExpirationDate R/W HRESULT get_AccountExpirationDate
([out] DATE *pdateAccountExpirationDate);

HRESULT put_AccountExpirationDate
([in] DATE dateAccountExpirationDate);

BadLoginAddress R/O HRESULT get_BadLoginAddress
([out] BSTR *pbstrBadLoginAddress);
BadLoginCount R/O HRESULT get_BadLoginCount
([out] LONG *plBadLoginCount);
Department R/W HRESULT get_Department
([out] BSTR *pbstrDepartment);

HRESULT put_Department
([in] BSTR bstrDepartment);

DepartmentNumber R/W HRESULT get_DepartmentNumber
([out] BSTR *pbstrDepartmentNumber);

HRESULT put_DepartmentNumber
([in] BSTR bstrDepartmentNumber);

Description R/W HRESULT get_Description
([out] BSTR *pbstrDescription);

HRESULT put_Description
([in] BSTR bstrDescription);

Division R/W HRESULT get_Division
([out] BSTR *pbstrDivision);

HRESULT put_Division
([in] BSTR bstrDivision);

EmailAddress R/W HRESULT get_EmailAddress
([out] BSTR *pbstrEmailAddress);

HRESULT put_EmailAddress
([in] BSTR bstrEmailAddress);

EmployeeID R/W HRESULT get_EmployeeID
([out] BSTR *pbstrEmployeeID);

HRESULT put_EmployeeID
([in] BSTR bstrEmployeeID);

FaxNumber R/W HRESULT get_FaxNumber
([out] VARIANT *pvarFaxNumber);

HRESULT put_FaxNumber
([in] VARIANT varFaxNumber);

FirstName R/W HRESULT get_FirstName
([out] BSTR *pbstrFirstName);

HRESULT put_FirstName
([in] BSTR bstrFirstName);

FullName R/W HRESULT get_FullName
([out] BSTR *pbstrFullName);

HRESULT put_FullName
([in] BSTR bstrFullName);

GraceLoginsAllowed R/W HRESULT get_GraceLoginsAllowed
([out] LONG *plGraceLoginsAllowed);

HRESULT put_GraceLoginsAllowed
([in] LONG lGraceLoginsAllowed);

GraceLoginsRemaining R/W HRESULT get_GraceLoginsRemaining
([out] LONG *plGraceLoginsRemaining);

HRESULT put_GraceLoginsRemaining
([in] LONG lGraceLoginsRemaining);

HomeDirectory R/W HRESULT get_HomeDirectory
([out] BSTR *pbstrHomeDirectory);

HRESULT put_HomeDirectory
([in] BSTR bstrHomeDirectory);

HomePage R/W HRESULT get_HomePage
([out] BSTR *pbstrHomePage);

HRESULT put_HomePage
([in] BSTR bstrHomePage);

IsAccountLocked R/W HRESULT get_IsAccountLocked
([out] BOOLEAN *pbIsAccountLocked);

HRESULT put_IsAccountLocked
([in] BOOLEAN bIsAccountLocked);

Languages R/W HRESULT get_Languages
([out] VARIANT *pvLanguages);

HRESULT put_Languages
([in] VARIANT vLanguages);

LastFailedLogin R/O HRESULT get_LastFailedLogin
([out] DATE *pdateLastFailedLogin);
LastLogin R/O HRESULT get_LastLogin
([out] DATE *pdateLastLogin);
LastLogoff R/O HRESULT get_LastLogoff
([out] DATE *pdateLastLogoff);
LastName R/W HRESULT get_LastName
([out] BSTR *pbstrLastName);

HRESULT put_LastName
([in] BSTR bstrLastName);

LoginHours R/W HRESULT get_LoginHours
([out] VARIANT *pvLoginHours);

HRESULT put_LoginHours
([in] VARIANT vLoginHours);

LoginScript R/W HRESULT get_LoginScript
([out] BSTR *pbstrLoginScript);

HRESULT put_LoginScript
([in] BSTR bstrLoginScript);

LoginWorkstations R/W HRESULT get_LoginWorkstations
([out] VARIANT *pvLoginWorkstations);

HRESULT put_LoginWorkstations
([in] VARIANT vLoginWorkstations);

Manager R/W HRESULT get_Manager
([out] BSTR *pbstrManager);

HRESULT put_Manager
([in] BSTR bstrManager);

MaxLogins R/W HRESULT get_MaxLogins
([out] LONG *plMaxLogins);

HRESULT put_MaxLogins
([in] LONG lMaxLogins);

MaxStorage R/W HRESULT get_MaxStorage
([out] LONG *plMaxStorage);

HRESULT put_MaxStorage
([in] LONG lMaxStorage);

NamePrefix R/W HRESULT get_NamePrefix
([out] BSTR *pbstrNamePrefix);

HRESULT put_NamePrefix
([in] BSTR bstrNamePrefix);

NameSuffix R/W HRESULT get_NameSuffix
([out] BSTR *pbstrNameSuffix);

HRESULT put_NameSuffix
([in] BSTR bstrNameSuffix);

OfficeLocations R/W HRESULT get_OfficeLocations
([out] VARIANT *pvOfficeLocations);

HRESULT put_OfficeLocations
([in] VARIANT vOfficeLocations);

OtherName R/W HRESULT get_OtherName
([out] BSTR *pbstrOtherName);

HRESULT put_OtherName
([in] BSTR bstrOtherName);

PasswordExpirationDate R/W HRESULT get_PasswordExpirationDate
([out] DATE *pdatePasswordExpirationDate);

HRESULT put_PasswordExpirationDate
([in] DATE datePasswordExpirationDate);

PasswordLastChanged R/O HRESULT get_PasswordLastChanged
([out] DATE *pdatePasswordLastChanged);
PasswordMinimumLength R/W HRESULT get_PasswordMinimumLength
([out] LONG *plPasswordMinimumLength);

HRESULT put_PasswordMinimumLength
([in] LONG lPasswordMinimumLength);

PasswordRequired R/W HRESULT get_PasswordRequired
([out] BOOLEAN *plPasswordRequired);

HRESULT put_PasswordRequired
([in] BOOLEAN lPasswordRequired);

Picture R/W HRESULT get_Picture
([out] VARIANT *pvarPicture);

HRESULT put_Picture
([in] VARIANT varPicture);

PostalAddresses R/W HRESULT get_PostalAddresses
([out] VARIANT *pvPostalAddresses);

HRESULT put_PostalAddresses
([in] VARIANT vPostalAddresses);

PostalCodes R/W HRESULT get_PostalCodes
([out] VARIANT *pvPostalCodes);

HRESULT put_PostalCodes
([in] VARIANT vPostalCodes);

Profile R/W HRESULT get_Profile
([out] BSTR *pbstrProfile);

HRESULT put_Profile
([in] BSTR bstrProfile);

RequireUniquePassword R/W HRESULT get_RequireUniquePassword
([out] BOOLEAN *plRequireUniquePassword);

HRESULT put_RequireUniquePassword
([in] BOOLEAN lRequireUniquePassword);

SeeAlso R/W HRESULT get_SeeAlso
([out] VARIANT *pvSeeAlso);

HRESULT put_SeeAlso
([in] VARIANT vSeeAlso);

TelephoneHome R/W HRESULT get_TelephoneHome
([out] VARIANT *pvarTelephoneHome);

HRESULT put_TelephoneHome
([in] VARIANT varTelephoneHome);

TelephoneMobile R/W HRESULT get_TelephoneMobile
([out] VARIANT *pvarTelephoneMobile );

HRESULT put_TelephoneMobile
([in] VARIANT varTelephoneMobile );

TelephoneNumber R/W HRESULT get_TelephoneNumber
([out] VARIANT *pvarTelephoneNumber);

HRESULT put_TelephoneNumber
([in] VARIANT varTelephoneNumber);

TelephonePager R/W HRESULT get_TelephonePager
([out] VARIANT *pvarTelephonePager);

HRESULT put_TelephonePager
([in] VARIANT varTelephonePager);

Title R/W HRESULT get_Title
([out] BSTR *pbstrTitle);

HRESULT put_Title
([in] BSTR bstrTitle);

Property Descriptions

Gets and sets if the account is or should be disabled.
Gets and sets the date and time after which the user cannot log in.
Gets the address of last node that is considered an Intruder (kept if Intruder detection is active).
If Intruder detection is active, gets the number of bad logon attempts since the last reset time.
Gets and sets the department (OU or Organizational Unit) within the company to which the user belongs.
Gets and sets department's charge number.
Gets and sets the text description of the user.
Gets and sets the division within a company (Organization).
Gets and sets the user's e-mail address.
Gets and sets the user's employee ID.
Gets and sets the user's fax number.
Gets and sets the user's first name.
Gets and sets the user's full name.
Gets and sets the number of times the user can log on after the password has expired.
Gets and sets how many grace logons are left before the account is locked.
Gets and sets the user's home directory.
Gets and sets a string containing the URL of a home page for this user.
Gets and sets if account is locked because of intruder detection.
Gets and sets an array of BSTR language names for the user.
Gets and sets the user's last name.
Gets and sets time periods for each day of the week during which logons are permitted for the user. Represented as a table of Booleans for the week, each indicating if that time slot is a valid logon time.
Gets and sets the logon script path.
Gets and sets an array of BSTR addresses (or names) of workstations and net numbers at which the user can log on.
Gets and sets the user's manager.
Gets and sets the number of simultaneous login sessions allowed.
Gets and sets the maximum amount of disk space a user can have. Expressed in Kbytes.
Prefix for the user's name, for example "Ms.", "Hon."
Suffix for the user's name, for example "Jr.", "III".
Gets and sets an array of BSTR user locations.
Gets and sets an additional name (for example, middle name) for the user.
Gets and sets the date and time at which the password expires.
Gets the last time the password was changed.
Gets and sets the minimum password length.
Gets and sets if the password is required.
Gets and sets an OctetString array of bytes that hold an image.
Gets and sets an array of BSTR postal addresses, multivalued in the case where the user has more than one address. The internal format of a PostalAddress should comply with CCITT F.401 as referenced in X.521-1993, which defines a PostalAddress as six elements of 30 bytes each, holding a street address, (optionally) Post Office Box, city or locality, state or province, Postal Code, and Country.
Gets and sets an array of BSTR postal codes. Postal codes are positionally linked to the PostalAddresses array.
Gets and sets the path of user's profile.
Gets and sets if a new password must be different than those known through a password history.
Gets and sets an array of ADsPaths of other objects related to this user.
Gets and sets an array of home telephone numbers for the user.
Gets and sets an array of mobile telephone numbers for the user.
Gets and sets an array of pager numbers for the user.
Gets and sets an array of (usually work-related) telephone numbers associated with the user.
Gets and sets the user's title.

See Also

ADSI User Object