Property methods take the form of either get_<property> or put_<property>. The property methods of the IADsUser interface get or set the properties described below. For more information, see Interface Property Methods.
Property | Access | Method Prototype |
AccountDisabled | R/W | HRESULT get_AccountDisabled ([out] BOOLEAN *pbAccountDisabled);
HRESULT put_AccountDisabled |
AccountExpirationDate | R/W | HRESULT get_AccountExpirationDate ([out] DATE *pdateAccountExpirationDate);
HRESULT put_AccountExpirationDate |
BadLoginAddress | R/O | HRESULT get_BadLoginAddress ([out] BSTR *pbstrBadLoginAddress); |
BadLoginCount | R/O | HRESULT get_BadLoginCount ([out] LONG *plBadLoginCount); |
Department | R/W | HRESULT get_Department ([out] BSTR *pbstrDepartment);
HRESULT put_Department |
DepartmentNumber | R/W | HRESULT get_DepartmentNumber ([out] BSTR *pbstrDepartmentNumber);
HRESULT put_DepartmentNumber |
Description | R/W | HRESULT get_Description ([out] BSTR *pbstrDescription);
HRESULT put_Description |
Division | R/W | HRESULT get_Division ([out] BSTR *pbstrDivision);
HRESULT put_Division |
EmailAddress | R/W | HRESULT get_EmailAddress ([out] BSTR *pbstrEmailAddress);
HRESULT put_EmailAddress |
EmployeeID | R/W | HRESULT get_EmployeeID ([out] BSTR *pbstrEmployeeID);
HRESULT put_EmployeeID |
FaxNumber | R/W | HRESULT get_FaxNumber ([out] VARIANT *pvarFaxNumber);
HRESULT put_FaxNumber |
FirstName | R/W | HRESULT get_FirstName ([out] BSTR *pbstrFirstName);
HRESULT put_FirstName |
FullName | R/W | HRESULT get_FullName ([out] BSTR *pbstrFullName);
HRESULT put_FullName |
GraceLoginsAllowed | R/W | HRESULT get_GraceLoginsAllowed ([out] LONG *plGraceLoginsAllowed);
HRESULT put_GraceLoginsAllowed |
GraceLoginsRemaining | R/W | HRESULT get_GraceLoginsRemaining ([out] LONG *plGraceLoginsRemaining);
HRESULT put_GraceLoginsRemaining |
HomeDirectory | R/W | HRESULT get_HomeDirectory ([out] BSTR *pbstrHomeDirectory);
HRESULT put_HomeDirectory |
HomePage | R/W | HRESULT get_HomePage ([out] BSTR *pbstrHomePage);
HRESULT put_HomePage |
IsAccountLocked | R/W | HRESULT get_IsAccountLocked ([out] BOOLEAN *pbIsAccountLocked);
HRESULT put_IsAccountLocked |
Languages | R/W | HRESULT get_Languages ([out] VARIANT *pvLanguages);
HRESULT put_Languages |
LastFailedLogin | R/O | HRESULT get_LastFailedLogin ([out] DATE *pdateLastFailedLogin); |
LastLogin | R/O | HRESULT get_LastLogin ([out] DATE *pdateLastLogin); |
LastLogoff | R/O | HRESULT get_LastLogoff ([out] DATE *pdateLastLogoff); |
LastName | R/W | HRESULT get_LastName ([out] BSTR *pbstrLastName);
HRESULT put_LastName |
LoginHours | R/W | HRESULT get_LoginHours ([out] VARIANT *pvLoginHours);
HRESULT put_LoginHours |
LoginScript | R/W | HRESULT get_LoginScript ([out] BSTR *pbstrLoginScript);
HRESULT put_LoginScript |
LoginWorkstations | R/W | HRESULT get_LoginWorkstations ([out] VARIANT *pvLoginWorkstations);
HRESULT put_LoginWorkstations |
Manager | R/W | HRESULT get_Manager ([out] BSTR *pbstrManager);
HRESULT put_Manager |
MaxLogins | R/W | HRESULT get_MaxLogins ([out] LONG *plMaxLogins);
HRESULT put_MaxLogins |
MaxStorage | R/W | HRESULT get_MaxStorage ([out] LONG *plMaxStorage);
HRESULT put_MaxStorage |
NamePrefix | R/W | HRESULT get_NamePrefix ([out] BSTR *pbstrNamePrefix);
HRESULT put_NamePrefix |
NameSuffix | R/W | HRESULT get_NameSuffix ([out] BSTR *pbstrNameSuffix);
HRESULT put_NameSuffix |
OfficeLocations | R/W | HRESULT get_OfficeLocations ([out] VARIANT *pvOfficeLocations);
HRESULT put_OfficeLocations |
OtherName | R/W | HRESULT get_OtherName ([out] BSTR *pbstrOtherName);
HRESULT put_OtherName |
PasswordExpirationDate | R/W | HRESULT get_PasswordExpirationDate ([out] DATE *pdatePasswordExpirationDate);
HRESULT put_PasswordExpirationDate |
PasswordLastChanged | R/O | HRESULT get_PasswordLastChanged ([out] DATE *pdatePasswordLastChanged); |
PasswordMinimumLength | R/W | HRESULT get_PasswordMinimumLength ([out] LONG *plPasswordMinimumLength);
HRESULT put_PasswordMinimumLength |
PasswordRequired | R/W | HRESULT get_PasswordRequired ([out] BOOLEAN *plPasswordRequired);
HRESULT put_PasswordRequired |
Picture | R/W | HRESULT get_Picture ([out] VARIANT *pvarPicture);
HRESULT put_Picture |
PostalAddresses | R/W | HRESULT get_PostalAddresses ([out] VARIANT *pvPostalAddresses);
HRESULT put_PostalAddresses |
PostalCodes | R/W | HRESULT get_PostalCodes ([out] VARIANT *pvPostalCodes);
HRESULT put_PostalCodes |
Profile | R/W | HRESULT get_Profile ([out] BSTR *pbstrProfile);
HRESULT put_Profile |
RequireUniquePassword | R/W | HRESULT get_RequireUniquePassword ([out] BOOLEAN *plRequireUniquePassword);
HRESULT put_RequireUniquePassword |
SeeAlso | R/W | HRESULT get_SeeAlso ([out] VARIANT *pvSeeAlso);
HRESULT put_SeeAlso |
TelephoneHome | R/W | HRESULT get_TelephoneHome ([out] VARIANT *pvarTelephoneHome);
HRESULT put_TelephoneHome |
TelephoneMobile | R/W | HRESULT get_TelephoneMobile ([out] VARIANT *pvarTelephoneMobile );
HRESULT put_TelephoneMobile |
TelephoneNumber | R/W | HRESULT get_TelephoneNumber ([out] VARIANT *pvarTelephoneNumber);
HRESULT put_TelephoneNumber |
TelephonePager | R/W | HRESULT get_TelephonePager ([out] VARIANT *pvarTelephonePager);
HRESULT put_TelephonePager |
Title | R/W | HRESULT get_Title ([out] BSTR *pbstrTitle);
HRESULT put_Title |