
The IADsComputerOperations interface provides methods on a COM object in ADSI to retrieve the status of a computer over a network and to remotely shut it down.

The property accessed by IADsComputerOperations is defined on ADSI Computer Object.

When to Implement

Implement IADsComputerOperations only when you are providing an Active Directory implementation for a directory service that supports computer control over a network.

When to Use

Call the methods on this interface when you are querying the current status of a computer or controlling it over a network.

Methods in VTable Order

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments reference count.
Release Decrements reference count.

IDispatch Methods Description
GetTypeInfoCount Gets the number of type descriptions.
GetTypeInfo Gets a description of object's programmable interface.
GetIDsOfNames Maps name of method or property to DISPID.
Invoke Calls one of the object's methods, or gets/sets one of its properties.

IADs Properties and Methods Description
get_Name Gets the object's relative name.
get_Class Gets the object's schema class name.
get_GUID Gets the object's globally unique identifier.
get_ADsPath Gets the object's ADsPath that uniquely identifies this object from all others.
get_Parent Gets the object's ADsPath string for its parent container.
get_Schema Gets the ADsPath string to the schema class definition object for this object.
GetInfo Reloads the changes on this object and its dependents.
SetInfo Saves the changes on this object and its dependents.
Get Gets the value for a property by name.
Put Sets the value for a property by name.
GetEx Gets the value for a single or multi-valued property by name.
PutEx Sets the value for a single or multi-valued property by name.
GetInfoEx Reloads specific property values for this object as they exist in the underlying directory service.

IADsComputerOperations Methods Description
Status Returns the current operations status
Shutdown Executes shutdown with optional reboot.


  Windows NT: Use version 4.0 and later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in iads.h.

See Also

IADsComputer, ADSI Computer Object