IADsSession Property Methods

Property methods take the form of either get_<property> or put_<property>. The property methods of the IADsSession interface get or set the properties described below. For more information, see Interface Property Methods.

Properties in Vtable Order

Property Access Method Prototype
Computer R/O HRESULT get_Computer
([out] BSTR *pbstrComputer);
ComputerPath R/O HRESULT get_ComputerPath
([out] BSTR *pbstrComputerPath);
ConnectTime R/O HRESULT get_ConnectTime
([out] LONG *plConnectTime);
IdleTime R/O HRESULT get_IdleTime
([out] LONG *plIdleTime);
User R/O HRESULT get_User
([out] BSTR *pbstrUser);
UserPath R/O HRESULT get_UserPath
([out] BSTR *pbstrUserPath);

Property Descriptions

Gets the name of the client workstation.
Gets the ADsPath of the computer object for the client workstation.
Gets the number of minutes that have elapsed since the session started.
Gets the idle time of the session, in minutes.
Gets the name of the user of the session.
Gets the ADsPath of the user object for the user of this session.

See Also

IADsFileServiceOperations::Sessions, ADSI Session Object