IADsLocality Property Methods

The methods of the IADsLocality interface read and write the properties described in this topic. For more information see Interface Property Methods.

Properties in Vtable Order

Property Access Method Prototype
Description R/W HRESULT get_Description
([out] BSTR *pbstrDescription);

HRESULT put_Description
([in] BSTR bstrDescription);

LocalityName R/W HRESULT get_LocalityName
([out] BSTR *pbstrLocalityName);

HRESULT put_LocalityName
([in] BSTR bstrLocalityName);

PostalAddress R/W HRESULT get_PostalAddress
([out] BSTR *pbstrPostalAddress);

HRESULT put_PostalAddress
([in] BSTR bstrPostalAddress);

SeeAlso R/W HRESULT get_SeeAlso
([out] BSTR *pbstrSeeAlso);

HRESULT put_SeeAlso
([in] BSTR bstrSeeAlso);

Property Descriptions

Gets and sets the text that describes the locality.
Gets and sets the CLSID of the code implementing the Active Directory object for this schema class.
Gets and sets the main postal address of the locality.
Gets and sets an array of ADsPath names of other directory objects which may be relevant to this object.

See Also

ADSI Locality Object