IADsContainer Property Methods

Property methods take the form of either get_<property> or put_<property>. The property methods of the IADsContainer interface get or set the properties described below. For more information, see Interface Property Methods.

Properties in Vtable Order

Property Access Compiler Syntax
_NewEnum R/O HRESULT get__NewEnum
([out] IUnknown *ppEnumerator);
Count R/O HRESULT get_Count
([out] LONG *plCount);
Filter R/W HRESULT get_Filter
([out] VARIANT *pvFilter);

HRESULT put_Filter
([in] VARIANT vFilter);

Hints R/W HRESULT get_Hints
([out] VARIANT *pvHints);

HRESULT put_Hints
([in] VARIANT vHints);

Property Descriptions

Returns an enumerator dependent object that implements IEnumVARIANT.
Gets the number of items in the container. If the filter is set then count returns only the number of items that fit the filter description.
Gets and sets the filter on the object classes that can be retrieved in a given enumeration. The client can also give hints (see below) about which properties of the objects it uses after the enumeration. If Filter is not set or set to empty, all objects of all classes are retrieved by the enumerator. Otherwise, each array entry is a schema class name in BSTR format or another format specified by the provider.
The vHints parameter allows the client to indicate which properties to load, so the provider can attempt to optimize network access. If no hints are specified, the VARIANT vHints is marked as empty, and the provider is expected to provide as much smart network access as possible. Otherwise, each entry in the array should have the following format is a BSTR value identifying a property name found in the schema definition for this object type.

See Also

ADSI Container Object, ADSI Enumerator Object