IADsNamespaces Property Methods

The methods of the IADsNamespaces interface read and write the properties described in this topic. For more information see Interface Property Methods.

Properties in Vtable Order

Property Access Method Prototype
DefaultContainer R/W HRESULT get_Default
([out] BSTR *pbstrDefault);

HRESULT put_Default
([in] BSTR bstrDefault);

Property Descriptions

Gets and sets the directory service-specific ADsPath name for an Active Directory container object. Active Directory defines the default container property to provide a quick way of getting a pointer to a previously-defined Active Directory container object. Providers need to supply this property on a "per-user" basis, that is, the logged-on user providing the context in which to run. The default container is an ADsPath name that, by definition, identifies an object to which you can bind. Setting the default container, unlike setting properties through other Active Directory interfaces that use the property cache, takes place immediately.

Notes to Callers  The bstrClass parameter in IADsContainer::GetObject is ignored. Enumerating the namespaces container object always yields the list of provider namespace objects.

Notes to Implementers  IADsContainer::GetObject takes a bstrClass parameter that allows the caller to specify the type of object to look for. Because the namespaces object contains only namespace objects, this parameter should be ignored.

See Also

ADSI Namespaces Object