IADsPropertyEntry Property Methods

Property methods take the form of either get_<property> or put_<property>. The property methods of the IADsPropertyEntry interface read and write the properties described below. For more information, see Interface Property Methods.

Properties in Vtable Order

Property Access Method Prototype
Name R/W HRESULT get_Name
([out] BSTR *pbstrName);

HRESULT put_Name
([in] BSTR bstrName);

ADsType R/W HRESULT get_ADsType
([out] LONG *plADsType);

([in] LONG lADsType);

ControlCode R/W HRESULT get_ControlCode
([out] LONG * pControlCode;

HRESULT put_ControlCode
([in] LONG lnControlCode);

Values R/W HRESULT get_Values
([out] VARIANT *pvValues);

HRESULT put_Values
([in] VARIANT vValues);

Property Descriptions

Name of the property entry as it is in the schema.
The data type, taken from the ADSTYPE enumeration, of the Name property.
One of the values from ADS_PROPERTY_* constants to indicate the operation to perform on the named property.
A VARIANT array with ValueCount entries of pointers to IADsPropertyValue interfaces, each leading to an ADSI PropertyValue object that represents one value.

Return Values

Each property method returns the standard values E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY, E_UNEXPECTED, and E_FAIL, as well as the following:

The property was successfully obtained or written.

See Also

ADSTYPE, Using Directory Service Queries , IADsPropertyList, IADsPropertyValue, Property Cache