The IADsPrintQueueOperations interface enables a COM object in Active Directory to support properties and methods that control a print job across a network.
Properties accessed by IADsPrintQueueOperations are defined on the ADSI PrintQueue Object.
Implement IADsPrintQueueOperations only when you are providing an Active Directory implementation for a directory service that supports controlling print jobs over a network. If your directory service does not support this functionality, return E_NOTIMPL for this interface.
Call the methods and properties of this interface when you are examining or controlling a print job over a network.
IUnknown Methods | Description |
QueryInterface | Returns pointers to supported interfaces. |
AddRef | Increments reference count. |
Release | Decrements reference count. |
IDispatch Methods | Description |
GetTypeInfoCount | Gets the number of type descriptions. |
GetTypeInfo | Gets a description of object's programmable interface. |
GetIDsOfNames | Maps name of method or property to DISPID. |
Invoke | Calls one of the object's methods, or gets/sets one of its properties. |
IADsPrintQueueOperations Methods | Description |
get_Status | Current status of print queue service. |
PrintJobs | Retrieve an interface pointer on a collection object that represents print jobs managed by this print queue. |
Pause | Pause print queue processing of print jobs. |
Resume | Resume print queue processing of print jobs. |
Purge | Purge all jobs from a print queue. |