Property methods take the form of either get_<property> or put_<property>. The property methods of the IADsClass interface get or set the properties described below. For more information, see Interface Property Methods.
Property | Access | Method Prototype |
Abstract | R/W | HRESULT get_Abstract ([out] BOOLEAN *pbAbstract);
HRESULT put_Abstract |
AuxDerivedFrom | R/W | HRESULT get_AuxDerivedFrom ([out] VARIANT *pvAuxDerivedFrom);
HRESULT put_AuxDerivedFrom |
Auxiliary | R/W | HRESULT get_Auxiliary ([out] BOOLEAN *pbAuxiliary);
HRESULT put_Auxiliary |
CLSID | R/W | HRESULT get_CLSID ([out] BSTR *pbstrCLSID);
Container | R/W | HRESULT get_Container ([out] BOOLEAN *pbContainer);
HRESULT put_Container| |
Containment | R/W | HRESULT get_Containment ([out] VARIANT *pvContainment);
HRESULT put_Containment |
DerivedFrom | R/W | HRESULT get_DerivedFrom ([out] VARIANT *pvDerivedFrom);
HRESULT put_DerivedFrom |
HelpFileContext (optional) |
R/W | HRESULT get_HelpFileContext ([out] BSTR *pbstrHelpFileContext);
HRESULT put_HelpFileContext |
HelpFileName (optional) |
R/W | HRESULT get_HelpFileName ([out] BSTR *pbstrHelpFileName);
HRESULT put_HelpFileName |
MandatoryProperties | R/W | HRESULT get_MandatoryProperties ([out] VARIANT *pvarMandatoryProperties);
HRESULT put_MandatoryProperties |
OptionalProperties | R/W | HRESULT get_OptionalProperties ([out] VARIANT *pvarOptionalProperties);
HRESULT put_OptionalProperties |
NamingProperties | R/W | HRESULT get_NamingProperties ([out] VARIANT *pvarNamingProperties);
HRESULT put_NamingProperties |
OID | R/W | HRESULT get_OID ([out] BSTR *pbstrOID);
PossibleSuperiors | R/W | HRESULT get_PossibleSuperiors ([out] VARIANT *pvSuperiors);
HRESULT put_PossibleSuperiors |
PrimaryInterface | R/O | HRESULT get_PrimaryInterface ([out] BSTR *pbstrGUID); |