
The IADsSecurityDescriptor interface provides access to properties on an ADSI security descriptor object. The IADsSecurityDescriptor interface also provides a method for copying a security descriptor.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments reference count.
Release Decrements reference count.

IDispatch Methods Description
GetTypeInfoCount Gets the number of type descriptions.
GetTypeInfo Gets a description of object's programmable interface.
GetIDsOfNames Maps name of method or property to DISPID.
Invoke Calls one of the object's methods or gets/sets one of its properties.

IADsSecurityDescriptor Methods Description
get/put_Revision Gets/puts the revision number assigned to the security descriptor.
get/put_Control Gets/puts the Security_Descriptor_Control flag.
get/put_Owner Gets/puts the owner of the object associated with the security descriptor.
get/put_OwnerDefaulted TBD
get/put_Group Gets/puts the group that owns the object associated with the security descriptor.
get/put_GroupDefaulted TBD
get/put_DiscretionaryAclt Gets/puts the discretionary ACL associated with the security descriptor.
get/put_DaclDefaulted TBD
get/put_SystemAcl Gets/puts the system ACL associated with the security descriptor.
get/put_SaclDefaulted TBD
CopySecurityDescriptor Copies the security descriptor.

See Also

IADsAccessControlEntry, IADsAccessControlList, ADSI AccessControlList Object, Using Credentials and Security