ADSI Schema Class Object

ADSI Schema Class Object represents a specific type of Active Directory object that represents an element in a directory service. Users, computers and services are typical classes necessary to represent a directory service.

Classes may be uniquely identified in the schema by GUID. The CLSID property indicates which COM object implements the class.

Every Active Directory object has one primary interface identifying the schema class among all the interfaces the object supports.

When to Implement

You must always implement a ADSI Schema Class Object when you are providing a new schema class for a directory service. Classes and their properties and methods need to be defined in the corresponding schema object accessed through the IADs::get_Schema method. The IADs::get_Name property for a schema class object must be valid for use in filter and create operations in the containers that appear in the IADsClass::get_Containment and put_Containment array. MandatoryProperties lists the property names that must be initialized before an object of this type can be created.

Interfaces on ADSI Schema Class Object Description
IUnknown Universal COM object management and interface query methods.
IDispatch Automation methods for late-bound access to an object's methods and properties.
IADs Standard Active Directory object management methods.
IADsClass Set and retrieve class properties

Notes to Implementers  For Active Directory providers implementing the PrimaryInterface property, note that for objects that directly support properties, this interface must be the interface that supports the property VTABLE, if one is provided. When you do not know what interface should be returned as the primary interface, use IID_IADs. Objects that do not support a specific dual interface for property get and put must also return IID_IADs in this property. In both cases, this allows access to all properties through the IADs::Get, IADs::GetEx, IADs::Put, and IADs::PutEx methods.


  Windows NT: Use version 4.0 and later.

See Also

ADSI Property Object, ADSI Schema Container Object, ADSI Syntax Object