ADSI Collection Object

An Active Directory collection object is a COM object in Active Directory that manages one or more arbitrary sets of items.

Use an ADSI Collection Object when you are managing a collection of VARIANT items (for example, a list of VT_BSTR strings or a list of active print jobs). Use an ADSI Group Object when you are managing a collection of lists of object references (for example, users in a group).

Each collection, by Active Directory convention, consists of only one type of VARIANT data structure. Each item is added to the collection with an associated name that is used to retrieve that item. A collection differs from a straight array of items because items can be added and removed from the collection without having to manipulate the whole collection in memory.

List a collection through the standard Automation enumeration techniques provided through the IEnumVARIANT interface pointer on an ADSI Enumerator Object retrieved by IADsCollection::get__NewEnum.

Interfaces on ADSI Collection Object Description
IUnknown Universal COM object management and interface query methods.
IDispatch Automation methods for late-bound access to an object's methods and properties.
IADsCollection Collection management methods.


  Windows NT: Use version 4.0 and later.

See Also

IADsCollection, ADSI Enumerator Object