Java - Binding to an ADSI Object

// - Edited simple demonstration of binding
//     a DS object using AFC ADSI. 
//     Any comment beginning "// ..." means java codes lines have
//         been deleted for simpler logic flow. For complete code, 
//         see ADSI samples. 
// Copyright © 1997 Microsoft Corporation
// All Rights Reserved
// ... import statements
class bind
   private ADsConn m_conn = null;
   private IADs    m_adsobj = null;
   private IADsOpenDSObject    m_namespace = null;
   String iniFileName = ".\\";
   // ... Initializations
   public static void main(String args[])
      bind bindObject = null;
      // ... Check the arguments on input
      if (bindObject != null) {
   public bind()
   { // ... Prompt for ADsPath, UserName, Passwd }
   public bind(String args[])
   { // ... Get ADsPath, UserName, PassWd from the args array }
   public void bindToObject()
   try  {  // Process the .ini file to set up AFC ADSI
      m_conn = new ADsConn(iniFileName);
   }  // ... plus error handling
   try {  // instantiate the LDAP namespace object
       m_namespace = (IADsOpenDSObject)m_conn.getObject("LDAP:");
       // Fetch a DS object using the specified parameters.
       m_adsobj = (IADs)m_namespace.OpenDSObject(ADsPath, UserName,
                   PassWd, 0);
       // ... print out IADs object properties
   } // ... plus error handling
   // ... Exit code