The following table lists the syntax objects supported by the LDAP schema object and found when enumerating the schema objects for syntax objects.
LDAP Syntax | ADSI Syntax (Automation) |
Boolean | VT_BOOL |
Counter | VT_I4 |
ADsPath | VT_BSTR |
EmailAddress | VT_BSTR |
FaxNumber | VT_BSTR |
Integer | VT_I4 |
Interval | VT_I4 |
NetAddress | VT_BSTR |
OctetString | VT_VARIANT |
Path | VT_BSTR |
PhoneNumber | VT_BSTR |
PostalAddress | VT_BSTR |
SmallInterval | VT_I4 |
String | VT_BSTR |
Time | VT_DATE |