Properties Common to All CDO for NTS Library Objects

All Microsoft® CDO for NTS Library objects except the NewMail object expose the properties Application, Class, Parent, and Session. The Application and Session properties have the same values for all objects within a given session. The Parent property indicates the immediate parent of the object, and the Class property is an integer value that identifies the CDO for NTS Library object.

The NewMail object is self-contained and does not expose any of these properties.

All four of these common properties have read-only access in all objects. Note that for the Session object, the Parent and Session properties are assigned the value Nothing. The Session object represents the highest level in the CDO for NTS Library object hierarchy and has no parent.

To reduce duplication, the detailed reference for these properties appears only once, in this section. The following table lists the properties that are common to all CDO for NTS Library objects and that have the same meaning for all objects.


Name Type Access
Application String Read-only
Class Long Read-only
Parent Object Read-only
Session Session object Read-only