ProgID | N/A |
File name | Wscript.exe or Cscript.exe |
CLSID | 60254CA2-953b-11CF-8C96-00AA00B8708C |
IID | 60254CA1-953b-11CF-8C96-00AA00B8708C |
The following table describes the properties associated with the Wscript object.
Property | Description |
Application | The IDispatch interface for Wscript. |
Arguments | A parameters collection object. |
FullName | Full path to the host executable. |
Name | Friendly name of Wscript (the default property). |
Path | Name of the directory where Wscript.exe or Cscript.exe resides. |
ScriptFullName | Full path to the script being run by the Windows Scripting Host. |
ScriptName | File name of the script being run by the Windows Scripting Host. |
Version | A version string for the Windows Scripting Host. |
The following table describes the methods associated with the Wscript object.
Method | Description |
CreateObject | Creates an object and establishes its event handling. |
DisconnectObject | Disconnects a previously connected object from Windows Scripting Host. |
Echo | Displays parameters in window or in a Command Prompt window. |
GetObject | Retrieves an Automation object from a file. |
Quit | Quits execution with a specified error code. |