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The IOleDocumentView interface enables a container to communicate with each view supported by an Active Document.

An Active Document that supports multiple views of its data represents each view as a separate object. Each document view object implements IOleDocumentView, along with the IOleInPlaceObject and IOleInPlaceActiveObject interfaces, as well as optional interfaces such as IPrint and IOleCommandTarget. An Active Document that supports only a single view does not require that view to be implemented as a separate object. Instead, both document and view can be implemented as a single class.

When to Implement

All Active Documents must implement IOleDocumentView for each view they support. If an Active Document supports multiple views, each view must be implemented as a separate class object. If an Active Document supports only a single view, the Active Document and its view can both be implemented as a single class.

When to Use

A container calls the methods of this interface to activate, deactivate, close, and generally communicate with a document view object.

Methods in Vtable Order
SetInPlaceSite Associates a container view site with this view.
GetInPlaceSite Retrieves the view site associated with this view.
GetDocument Obtains the IUnknown pointer of the Active Document that owns this view.
SetRect Sets the coordinates of the view port.
GetRect Retrieves the coordinates last passed in the SetRect method.
SetRectComplex Sets the coordinates of the view port, scroll bars, and size box.
Show In-place activates or deactivates a view.
UIActivate In-place activates or deactivates a view's user-interface elements.
Open Displays the view in a separate pop-up window.
CloseView Instructs the view to close.
SaveViewState Saves the view state into a stream.
ApplyViewState Initializes the view with the view state previously saved in the call to the SaveViewState method.
Clone Creates a duplicate view object.

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