The type building interfaces include the following member functions:
Interface | Member function | Purpose |
ICreateTypeInfo | AddFuncDesc | Adds a function description as a type description. |
AddImplType | Specifies an inherited interface. | |
AddRefTypeInfo | Adds a type description to those referenced by the type description being created. | |
AddVarDesc | Adds a data member description as a type description. | |
DefineFuncAsDllEntry | Associates a dynamic link library (DLL) entry point with a function that has a specified index. | |
LayOut | Assigns virtual function table (VTBL) offsets for virtual functions and instance offsets for per-instance data members. | |
SetAlignment | Specifies data alignment for types of TKIND_RECORD. | |
SetDocString | Sets the documentation string displayed by type browsers. | |
SetFuncAndParamNames | Sets the function name and names of its parameters. | |
SetFuncDocString | Sets the documentation string for a function. | |
SetFuncHelpContext | Sets the Help context identifier (ID) for a function. | |
SetGuid | Sets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the type library. | |
SetHelpContext | Sets the Help context ID of the type description. | |
SetImplTypeFlags | Sets the attributes for an implemented or inherited interface of a type. | |
SetMops | Sets the opcode string for a type description. | |
SetTypeDescAlias | Sets the type description for which this type description is an alias, if TYPEKIND=TKIND_ALIAS. | |
SetTypeFlags | Sets type flags of the type description that is being created. | |
SetVarDocString | Sets the documentation string for a variable. | |
SetVarHelpContext | Sets the Help context ID for a variable. | |
SetVarName | Sets the name of a variable. | |
SetVersion | Sets version numbers for the type description. | |
ICreateTypeInfo2 | DeleteFuncDesc | Deletes a function description specified by the index number. |
SetName | Sets the name of the typeinfo. | |
DeleteFuncDescByMemId | Deletes the function description specified by memid. | |
DeleteVarDesc | Deletes the specified VARDESC structure. | |
DeleteVarDescByMemId | Deletes the specified VARDESC structure. | |
DeleteImplType | Deletes the IMPLTYPE flags for the indexed interface. | |
SetCustData | Sets a value for custom data. | |
SetHelpStringContext | Sets the context number for the specified Help string. | |
SetFuncCustData | Sets a value for a specified custom function. | |
SetFuncHelpStringContext | Sets a Help context value for a specified custom function. | |
SetVarCustData | Sets a custom data variable. | |
SetParamCustData | Sets the specified parameter for the custom data. | |
SetImplTypeCustData | Sets the implementation type for custom data. | |
SetVarHelpStringContext | Sets a Help context value for a specified variable. | |
ICreateTypeLib | CreateTypeInfo | Creates a new type description instance within the type library. |
SaveAllChanges | Saves the ICreateTypeLib instance. | |
SetDocString | Sets the documentation string for the type library. | |
SetGuid | Sets the GUID for the type library. | |
SetHelpContext | Sets the Help context ID for general information about the type library in the Help file. | |
SetHelpFileName | Sets the Help file name. | |
SetLcid | Sets the locale identifier (LCID) code indicating the national language associated with the library. | |
SetLibFlags | Sets library flags, such as LIBFLAG_FRESTRICTED. | |
SetName | Sets the name of the type library. | |
SetVersion | Sets major and minor version numbers for the type library. | |
ICreateTypeLib2 | DeleteTypeInfo | Deletes a specified type information from the type library. |
SetName | Sets the name of the type library. | |
SetCustData | Sets a value to custom data. | |
SetHelpStringContext | Sets the Help string context number. | |
SetHelpStringDll | Sets the DLL name to be used for Help string lookup. |
You create an Automation type library by using the ICreateTypeLib and ICreateTypeInfo interfaces.
In the following example, a type library is created (Hello.tlb) by the MIDL compiler (or MkTypLib.exe), using the following .odl file.
uuid(2F6CA420-C641-101A-B826-00DD01103DE1), // LIBID_Hello
helpstring("Hello 1.0 Type Library"),
library Hello
#ifdef WIN32
uuid(2F6CA422-C641-101A-B826-00DD01103DE1), // IID_IHello
helpstring("Hello Interface")
interface IHello : IUnknown
[propput] void HelloMessage([in] BSTR Message);
[propget] BSTR HelloMessage(void);
void SayHello(void);
uuid(2F6CA423-C641-101A-B826-00DD01103DE1), // IID_DHello
helpstring("Hello Dispinterface")
dispinterface DHello
interface IHello;
uuid(2F6CA421-C641-101A-B826-00DD01103DE1), // CLSID_Hello.
helpstring("Hello Class")
coclass Hello
dispinterface DHello;
interface IHello;