Error Handling Interfaces

Objects that are invoked through virtual function table (VTBL) binding need to use the Automation error handling interfaces and API functions to define and return error information. In addition to the API functions, the interfaces include the following:

This chapter covers the error handling interfaces. The member functions of each interface are listed in the following table.

Category Member function Purpose
IErrorInfo GetDescription Returns a textual description of the error.
GetGUID Returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the interface that defined the error.
GetHelpContext Returns the Help context identifier (ID) for the error.
GetHelpFile Returns the path of the Help file that describes the error.
GetSource Returns the programmatic identifier (ProgID) for the class or application that returned the error.
ICreateErrorInfo SetDescription Sets a textual description of the error.
SetGUID Sets the GUID for the interface that defined the error.
SetHelpContext Sets the Help context ID for the error.
SetHelpFile Sets the path of the Help file that describes the error.
SetSource Sets the ProgID for the class or application that returned the error.
ISupportErrorInfo InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo Indicates whether an interface supports the IErrorInfo interface.
Error handling functions CreateErrorInfo Creates a generic error object.
GetErrorInfo Retrieves and clears the current error object.
SetErrorInfo Sets the current error object.