Describes a function, and is defined as follows:
typedef struct tagFUNCDESC {
MEMBERID memid; // Function member ID.
/* [size_is] */ SCODE __RPC_FAR *lprgscode;
/* [size_is] */ ELEMDESC __RPC_FAR *lprgelemdescParam; FUNCKIND funckind; // Specifies whether the // function is virtual, static, // or dispatch-only.
INVOKEKIND invkind; // Invocation kind. Indicates if this is a // property function, and if so, what kind.
CALLCONV callconv; // Specifies the function's calling
// convention.
short cParams; // Count of total number of parameters.
short cParamsOpt; // Count of optional parameters (detailed
// description follows).
short oVft; // For FUNC_VIRTUAL, specifies the offset in // the VTBL.
short cScodes; // Count of permitted return values.
ELEMDESC elemdescFunc; // Contains the return type of the function.
WORD wFuncFlags; // Definition of flags follows.
The cParams field specifies the total number of required and optional parameters.
The cParamsOpt field specifies the form of optional parameters accepted by the function, as follows:
For 16-bit systems (Macintosh), the fields cScodes and lprgscode store the count and the set of errors that a function can return. If cScodes = –1, then the set of errors is unknown. If cScodes = –1, or if cScodes = 0, then lprgscodeis undefined.