Defined as follows:

typedef enum tagVARFLAGS {
        VARFLAG_FREADONLY =                0x1
      , VARFLAG_FSOURCE =                0x2
      , VARFLAG_FBINDABLE =            0x4
      , VARFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT =        0x8
      , VARFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND =        0x10
      , VARFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND =        0x20
      , VARFLAG_FHIDDEN =                0x40
      , VARFLAG_FRESTRICTED =            0x80
      , VARFLAG_FUIDEFAULT =            0x200
      , VARFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE =        0x400
     , VARFLAG_FREPLACEABLE    =         0x800,
     , VARFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND    =         0x1000
Value Description
VARFLAG_FREADONLY Assignment to the variable should not be allowed.
VARFLAG_FSOURCE The variable returns an object that is a source of events.
VARFLAG_FBINDABLE The variable supports data binding.
VARFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND The variable is displayed to the user as bindable. VARFLAG_FBINDABLE must also be set.
VARFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND The variable is the single property that best represents the object. Only one variable in type information can have this attribute.
VARFLAG_FHIDDEN The variable should not be displayed to the user in a browser, although it exists and is bindable.
VARFLAG_FRESTRICTED The variable should not be accessible from macro languages. This flag is intended for system-level variables or variables that you do not want type browsers to display.
VARFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM Permits an optimization in which the compiler looks for a member named "xyz" on the type of abc. If such a member is found and is flagged as an accessor function for an element of the default collection, then a call is generated to that member function. Permitted on members in dispinterfaces and interfaces; not permitted on modules.
VARFLAG_FUIDEFAULT The variable is the default display in the user interface.
VARFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE The variable appears in an object browser, but not in a properties browser.
VARFLAG_FREPLACEABLE Tags the interface as having default behaviors.
VARFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND The variable is mapped as individual bindable properties.