
HRESULT GetContainingTypeLib( 
  ITypeLib FAR* FAR*  ppTLib,  
  unsigned int FAR*  pIndex  

Retrieves the containing type library and the index of the type description within that type library.


On return, points to the containing type library.
On return, points to the index of the type description within the containing type library.

Return Value

The return value obtained from the returned HRESULT is one of the following:

Return value Meaning
S_OK Success.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory.
E_INVALIDARG One or more of the arguments is invalid.
E_NOINTERFACE OLE could not find an implementation of one or more required interfaces.
TYPE_E_IOERROR The function could not write to the file.
TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD The function could not read from the file.
TYPE_E_UNSUPFORMAT The type library has an older format.
TYPE_E_INVALIDSTATE The type library could not be opened.