
HRESULT LHashValOfName( 
  LCID  lcid,           
  OLECHAR FAR*  szName  

Computes a hash value for a name that can then be passed to ITypeComp::Bind, ITypeComp::BindType, ITypeLib::FindName, or ITypeLib::IsName.


The LCID for the string.
String whose hash value is to be computed.

Return Value

A 32-bit hash value that represents the passed-in name.


This function is equivalent to LHashValOfNameSys. The header file Oleauto.h contains macros that define LHashValOfName as LHashValOfNameSys, with the target operating system (syskind) based on the build preprocessor flags.

LHashValOfName computes a 32-bit hash value for a name that can be passed to ITypeComp::Bind, ITypeComp::BindType, ITypeLib::FindName, or ITypeLib::IsName. The returned hash value is independent of the case of the characters in szName, as long as the language of the name is one of the languages supported by the OLE National Language Specification API. Any two strings that match when a case-insensitive comparison is done using any language produce the same hash value.