MkTypLib utility
A library creation utility that compiles scripts written in the Object Description Language. This utility is obsolete; the Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL) compiler should be used instead of MkTypLib.
The process of packaging and sending interface parameters across process boundaries.
member function
One of a group of related functions that make up an interface. See also method and property.
A member function of an exposed object that performs some action on the object, such as saving it to disk.
MIDL compiler
The Microsoft Interface Definition Library (MIDL) compiler can be used to generate a type library. For information about the MIDL compiler, refer to the Microsoft Interface Definition Language Programmer’s Guide and Reference in the Win32 Software Development Kit (SDK) section of the Microsoft Developer’s Network (MSDN).
multiple-document interface (MDI) application
An application that can support multiple documents from one application instance. MDI object applications can simultaneously service a user and one or more embedding containers. See also single-document interface (SDI) application.