Document Conventions

The following typographical conventions are used throughout this book.

Convention Meaning
bold Indicates a word that is a function name, method, property, attribute, or other fixed part of a programming language, the Microsoft Windows operating system, or the Application Programming Interface (API). For example, DispInvoke is an OLE-specific function. These words must always be typed exactly as they are printed.
italic Indicates a word that is a placeholder or variable. For example, ClassName would be a placeholder for any ActiveX object class name. Function parameters in API reference material are italic to indicate that any variable name can be used. In addition, ActiveX and OLE terms are italicized at first use to highlight their definition.
UPPERCASE Indicates a constant or data structures. For example, E_INVALIDARG is a constant.
InitialCaps Indicates the name of an object, event, or file name. For example, the Application object.
Indicates source code and syntax spacing. For example:
*pdwRegisterCF = 0;

Note The interface syntax in this book follows the variable-naming convention known as Hungarian notation, invented by programmer Charles Simonyi. Variables are prefixed with lowercase letters indicating their data type. For example, lpszNewDocname would be a long pointer to a zero-terminated string named NewDocname. For more information about Hungarian notation, refer to Programming Windows by Charles Petzold.