Network Setup for Open Data Services

Several configuration requirements will affect the network setup of your Open Data Services (ODS) server application including:

When an ODS server application and SQL Server are installed on separate computers on the network, they can use the default SQL Server connection configuration. When an ODS server application and SQL Server are installed together on the same computer, they share the same server name, requiring you to assign an alternate connection configuration to one of them. In addition, any computer that requires direct access to a server application using an alternate connection must be configured to connect to the server by that alternate configuration connection.

ODS can simultaneously accept requests from clients and servers across multiple network protocols. ODS supports multiple network protocols through the use of loadable network drivers, known as Net-Libraries.

SQL Server database servers communicate with ODS server applications by using remote stored procedure calls, the same method used to communicate with other SQL Servers. SQL Server database clients can access an ODS server application remotely, by way of the SQL Server remote stored procedure facility, or directly, by way of a direct connection to the ODS server application.

For some custom applications, clients can access SQL Server indirectly by way of ODS. The ODS server application implements a pass-through server function that directs client requests to SQL Server.

For detailed information about network setup of your ODS, see the Microsoft SQL Server Programmer's Toolkit documentation in the "Database and Messaging Services" section of the Platform SDK.