Receiver Application Command Line

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

A receiver application is an executable application that is intended to be launched by the Task Scheduler at the appropriate time to receive the information previously announced. You can use the generic receiver application or write one of your own. For more information, see Receiver Applications.

At the appropriate time, the Task Scheduler launches the receiver application. The Task Scheduler provides three command line arguments to the receiver application. These arguments are prepended to the Parameters string provided by the IBroadcastFilter::GetDisposition or IDataListener::SubmitAnnouncement method. These command-line arguments are:

The destination address is the IP address to which the data is broadcast. The local address is the IP address of the network interface card that receives the data; this allows a distinction to be made between a satellite receiver card and any other type of network interface when more than one card is present.

For example, suppose the arguments supplied by a filter to Announcement Listener by IBroadcastFilter::GetDisposition are as follows:

WorkingDirectory = C:\Games\
Application = GameRecv.exe
Parameters = /o
AdvanceMinutes = 2

At the appointed time, Task Scheduler launches the specified receiver application with the following command line:

GameRecv /J "BFTP_JOB_234" /IPD / IPL 3A45F /o

In this case, Gamerecv.exe is an application designed to receive multicast data on the specified address, and /o is an additional parameter that is being passed to the receiver application.

The receiver application can be the final receiver of the data (as in the example preceding), or it can be a simple shell that launches the final receiver of the data (for more information, see Using the Generic File Receiver Application).