Announcement Format

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Session announcements are formatted according to Session Description Protocol (SDP) and its associated Session Announcement Protocol (SAP). These protocols are described in work-in-progress Internet draft documents produced by the Multiparty Multimedia Session Control (MMUSIC) working group of the Internet Engineering Task Force. As such, they may be updated, replaced, or made obsolete by other documents at any time.

To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the "1id-abstracts.txt'' listing contained in the Internet-Drafts Shadow Directories on (Africa), (Europe), (Pacific Rim), (U.S. East Coast), or (U.S. West Coast). The SDP and SAP draft proposals are described in the documents draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-03.txt and draft-ietf-mmusic-sap-00.txt, respectively. For example, in the United States, the SDP document can be found at:

SAP is a header in binary format that precedes the SDP description, and is described in the SAP draft document. Both the SAP and SDP message announcements may be encrypted.

SDP is a textual protocol. It consists of series of lines of text, with each line beginning with a single letter followed by an equal sign, followed by a text line formatted appropriately, followed by a new line.

In the Microsoft® Windows® 98 operating system and the Microsoft® Windows NT® operating system version 4.0, the SDP protocol is wrapped inside a set of Component Object Model (COM) components and interfaces to send and receive announcements of multiparty multimedia conferences. For more information about SDP services in Windows, see Further Information on Data Services for the Client.