Save the Stream to Disk

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Saving the enhancement stream to disk enables the user to store the stream for later transmission or editing. Your authoring tool should provide a way for users to store the stream.

By convention, enhancement streams are stored as Enhancement Stream language statements in a text file with a .str extension. The following is an example of the file format used by the stream compiler objects. This text file would have a name such as MyStream.str.

00:10:19:00 "Pretty.gif"; 
00:10:26:00 "Left_07.htm" only; 
00:10:30:00 trigger 1 "Left_07.htm" only; 
00:11:19:00 "Pretty.gif"; 
00:11:26:00 "Left_07.htm" only; 

If you are using the stream compiler objects, you can save the stream to disk by calling the EnhEvents.Store method and specifying a file name. For more information on using the stream compiler objects to save a file, see Loading or Saving an Enhancement Stream.