[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

In Broadcast Architecture, a category of broadcast programs, typically related by style, theme, or format, for example movies or television series.
global announcement
A general message that is sent to all broadcast clients. Global announcements alert clients that information of a specified type will be broadcast at a certain Internet Protocol (IP) address at a certain time, or that a particular type of service is available. Global announcements are intended to be transmitted on all possible channels, so they can be received regardless of what channel a client is tuned to. Such announcements are sent relatively infrequently and may be human-readable. See also local announcement.
guaranteed bandwidth
Bandwidth that is reserved only if the requested bandwidth is available for the requested period. Once reserved, such bandwidth can be relied upon to be available. See also opportunistic bandwidth.
Guide database
In Broadcast Architecture, the database in which Program Guide information is maintained. This database is stored on the broadcast client.