[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

encryption key
A specific value used by an encryption algorithm to encode and decode data.
A multimedia element, such as a hypertext link to a World Wide Web page, a graphic, a text frame, a sound, or an animated sequence, added to a broadcast show or other video program. Many such elements are based on Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
enhancement announcement
An announcement that contains data about an upcoming enhancement for an interactive television show. Such data includes the name of the show the enhancement is associated with, that show's show reference, and the show's base page. The base page is the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) page that resides at the top level or base of the enhancement pages currently loaded into the user's Web browser for the show in question.
Enhancement control
An ActiveX control that resides on the broadcast client and that handles enhancement events such as file transmissions and triggers. This control is provided with Broadcast Architecture.
enhancement event
A statement in the Enhancement Stream language that causes a broadcast client to perform an action relating to an enhancement. A client's response to an enhancement event can include actions such as receiving a file transmission, updating show data, or displaying new enhancement content to the user. A trigger is a type of enhancement event.
enhancement filter
An announcement filter that processes enhancement announcements.
enhancement page
A Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) page that formats enhancement content, such as images and text, for display.
enhancement stream
A script that synchronizes enhancement events with specific times during an interactive show.
Enhancement Stream language
A programming language used in Broadcast Architecture to create stream scripts that announce, broadcast, and synchronize enhancements with the video of an interactive television show.
Enhancement Video control
An ActiveX control that displays video within an enhancement. Unlike the Video control, which also displays video within an enhancement, the Enhancement Video control can be used only in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) pages displayed by Microsoft WebTV for Windows. In contrast, the Video control can be used in World Wide Web pages and stand-alone applications as well as in Microsoft® WebTV® for Windows®. The Enhancement Video control automatically handles the connection between itself and WebTV for Windows, whereas the Video control does not. The Enhancement Video control is provided with Broadcast Architecture.
A discrete narrative portion of an ongoing television or radio show, usually viewed in one continuous showing. Generally, an episode forms a coherent story in itself.