MMR Functions

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Microsoft Multicast Router (MMR) also is a dynamic-link library (DLL), which virtual interface DLLs bind to at run time. In this library, the MMR exports a callback function that allows virtual interface DLLs to report internal events and a completion function that allows the virtual interface to report that it has finished with a packet.

Hardware vendors should implement their virtual interface code by including the Bridge.h header file and by calling the MMR functions described in this section. When vendors build virtual interface DLLs, they should link their virtual interface code to the Bdnapi.lib library.

The following table lists and describes the MMR functions.

Function Description
msbdnBridgeReportEvent Informs the MMR to record virtual interface events directly in the system event log.
PacketBufferComplete Informs the MMR that the virtual interface is done processing a packet.