Sending Loader Event Notifications

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Your loader DLL should send broadcast window messages when loader events occur. These messages can be sent using either the SendMessageTimeout or PostMessage function, both part of the Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API). To locate more information about SendMessageTimeout and PostMessage, see Further Information on Program Guide Services for the Client.

The following table lists and describes the possible broadcast messages and the events they indicate.

Message Event
EPGLDR_ACTIVE_COMMIT_END The loader has finished updating records. Applications that cache Program Guide data should reload the cached data now.
EPGLDR_ACTIVE_COMMIT_START The loader is beginning to update records. Applications that cache Program Guide data will need to reload the Program Guide data when updating ends.
EPGLDR_ENDING The loader is finished updating the Guide data. This message is sent by Loadstub and does not need to be sent by your loader DLL.
EPGLDR_EXCLUSIVE _END The loader has finished an operation that requires exclusive access to the Guide database. This message is sent by Loadstub and does not need to be sent by your loader DLL.
EPGLDR_EXCLUSIVE_START The loader is beginning an operation that requires exclusive access to the Guide database. This message is sent by Loadstub and does not need to be sent by your loader DLL.
EPGLDR_PASSIVE_COMMIT_END The loader has finished updating records. Applications that cache Program Guide data do not need to reload the Program Guide data.
EPGLDR_PASSIVE_COMMIT_START The loader is beginning to update records. Applications that cache Program Guide data do not need to reload the Program Guide data.
EPGLDR_STARTING The loader starts to run. This message is sent by Loadstub and does not need to be sent by your loader DLL.