Enhancements Control File and Text Files

When using the the /LEH option you must specify the name of an enhancements control file. The enhancements control file is a INI file that DAO uses to update fields in the Guide database from information in a text file. The enhancements control file contains this text:

Col1=ID Text
Col2=Title Text
Col3="Show Reference" Text
Col4="Preload URL" Text
Col5=Address Text
Col6="Expire Date" DateTime

You must replace DataFile.txt with the name of a text file containing the enhancement data. This text file must be in the same directory as the enhancements control file. Each line in the enhancement data file is a record representing an enhancement. The fields of this record are seperated by tabs and are the same as those used in the Enhancement Table, but in the order given in the enhancements control file.