Loaders Subkey

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This registry subkey contains a sub key for each database loader installed. The name of the sub key for a loader is its globally unique identifier (GUID). The subkey for a loader looks like this:


Where LoaderGUIDs is the GUID for the subkey. The following table lists and describes the entries under this registry subkey.

Value Type Meaning
Name File name of the database loader dynamic-link library (DLL).
TuningID List providing a pointer to the tuning spaces handled by the database loader identified by a particular GUID.
LastAttemptTime Date and time this loader most recently started. If this entry does not exist, then the loader never attempted to run.
LastCompletionTime Date and time this loader most recently finished running. If this entry does not exist, then the loader never finished running successfully.
LastCompletionResult Return value from the loader DLL the last time it finished running.

Each loader can have additional loader-specific information in the Program Guide Loaders subkey.