Guide Data Object Reference

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The following initialization methods are implemented outside of the Guide data object classes. Note that you must call the SetJet method to allocate storage space before you can use the Guide data objects.

Method Description
GetDatabase Returns a DAO database object with the local static storage passed in to SetJet.
GetDatabaseConnected Returns a value that indicates whether a CDatabaseConnection object is connected to the database.
SetJet Passes in local static storage for the Jet engine, workspace, and database.

The following table lists the Guide data object base classes.

Class Description
CDatabaseConnection Provides the root encapsulation of the Microsoft® Jet database engine.
CDatabaseRecordset An abstract base class that provides generic recordset functionality.

The following table lists the Guide Data recordset object classes.

Class Description
CBroadcastPropertyRecordset Connects to a Broadcast Property table recordset.
CChannelPropertyRecordset Connects to a Channel Property table recordset.
CChannelStreamRecordset Connects to a Channel Stream table recordset.
CChannelTRecordset Connects to a Channel table recordset.
CEnhancementRecordset Connects to a Enhancement table recordset.
CEpisodePropertyRecordset Connects to a Episode Property table recordset.
CEpisodeTRecordset Connects to a Episode table recordset.
CGenreRecordset Connects to a Genre table recordset.
CNetworkRecordset Connects to a Network table recordset.
CRatingRecordset Connects to a Rating table recordset.
CRatingSystemRecordset Connects to a Rating System table recordset.
CStationRecordset Connects to a Station table recordset.
CStreamTypeRecordset Connects to a Stream Type table recordset.
CSubGenreRecordset Connects to a Sub-Genre table recordset.
CThemeRecordset Connects to a Theme table recordset.
CTimeSlotRecordset Connects to a Time Slot table recordset.

The following table lists the Guide Data record object classes.

Class Description
CBroadcastProperty Wraps a Broadcast Property table record.
CChannelProperty Wraps a Channel Property table record.
CChannelStream Wraps a Channel Stream table record.
CChannelT Wraps a Channel table record.
CEnhancement Wraps a Enhancement table record.
CEpisodeProperty Wraps a Episode Property table record.
CEpisodeT Wraps a Episode table record.
CGenre Wraps a Genre table record.
CNetwork Wraps a Network table record.
CRating Wraps a Rating table record.
CRatingSystem Wraps a Rating System table record.
CStation Wraps a Station table record.
CStreamType Wraps a Stream Type table record.
CSubGenre Wraps a SubGenre table record.
CTheme Wraps a Theme table record.
CTimeSlot Wraps a Time Slot table record.