Maintaining a Tuning Space
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Each loader DLL should clean up its corresponding tuning space. Cleaning the tuning space keeps the Guide database from growing too large by removing out of date data. This cleanup consists of the following actions:
Deletion of records in the Channel, Episode, Station and Theme tables that are no longer being referenced in other tables.
Deletion of expired records from the Time Slot table. Expired records are records whose end time is more than one day in the past.
Deletion of duplicate time slots from the Time Slot table. Duplicate time slots are identical or overlapping time slots specified for the same show. For example, if a show is listed as broadcasting on a particular channel from 10 A.M. to 12 P.M., and the loader adds a new time slot for that show from 10:30 to 11:30 A.M. on the same channel, one of the time slot entries should be removed.
These actions can be performed by running the cleanup queries defined in the Guide database. For more information on these queries, see Guide Database Query Reference.