
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The CDatabaseRecordset class is an abstract base class that provides the root encapsulation for recordset manipulation. It inherits from CDatabaseConnection.

The CDatabaseRecordset class provides the following methods:

Method Description
OpenRecordset Initializes the recordset object.
OpenRecordsetQueryDef Initializes the recordset object with the results of the specified query.
CloseRecordset Clears the data from a recordset object.
GetQueryPrefix Returns the query prefix
GetRecordCount Counts the number of records in the recordset.
GetRecord Returns a pointer to the specified record.
GotoRecord Jumps to the specified record in the recordset.
FindRecord Locates a record in the recordset.
InsertRecord Adds a the specified record to the recordset.
UpdateRecord Updates the current record in the recordset.
DeleteRecord Deletes the current record from the recordset.
OpenIndexed Opens a recordset and indexes it.
SeekAddRS Looks for a matching record. If one is found, its field values are updated with those of the record object passed.
UpdateRS Updates a record in the Guide database.
StartUpdateRS Updates a record, keeping it open for further editing.
EndUpdateRS Updates and completes editing of a record opened for editing by StartUpdateRS.
Edit Opens a low-level DAO Edit session.
Update Update the entire recordset from the Guide database. (This is the low-level complement of Edit)
GetLongField Returns the value of the specified Long field of a record in the recordset.
GetField Returns the value of the specified field of a record in the recordset. This method is overloaded. You can specify the field using either the field name or its index in the field list.
SetField Sets the value of the specified field of a record in the recordset.
GetTableName Returns the name of the table associated with the CTableNameRecordset object. This method is re-implemented by the recordset objects that inherit from CDatabaseRecordset.

The CDatabaseRecordset class also defines the following protected methods. These methods are reimplemented by the CTableNameRecordset objects that inherit from CDatabaseRecordset.

Protected method Description
SetRecordsetObject Sets the values of a record object to the Guide database.
GetRecordsetObject Returns a record object.
Seek Returns a value that indicates whether the specified object is in the recordset.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in dbsets.h.
  Import Library: Use dbsets.lib or dbsetsSt.lib.
  Unicode: Yes.