[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The CloseCabinet method closes the cabinet file, compressing the files stored within the cabinet and saving it to disk.
Your application must call CloseCabinet in order to compress the files in the cabinet and save them to disk.
Windows NT: Unsupported.
Windows: Requires Windows 98.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in ipenhsnd.idl.
Import Library: Included as a resource in ipenhsnd.dll.
Unicode: Yes.
EnhCab.NewCabinet, EnhCab.AddFile
The following example closes a cabinet file, Cab1.cab, after all files have been added to it.
'Add files until the cabinet is full,
'or all files have been added.
ecab.AddFile "C:\File1.htm", "File1.htm"
ecab.AddFile "C:\File2.htm", "File1.htm"
'Close the cabinet file and save it to disk.